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Friday, 31 August 2012

Iaas, Paas and Saas In Cloud Computing

In the cloud computing ecosystem four layers are used first one is business process, Application Service, Platform Service, and Infrastructure Service.

Iaas is  Infrastructure as a Service 

Paas Plateform as Service

Saas is Software as Service 

Infrastructure as a Service is a cloud computing service model in which hardware is virtual zed in the cloud. Service Vendor Owns the equipment : servers, storage, network Infrastructure and so forth 

          In virtual private server partition, virtual Machine Layer , LUN, Cloud layer interconnection layer , RAID layer , virtual application software layer, network interface layer. 

 Platform as a service , in this architecture  customer may interact with the software to enter and retrieve data, plateform, actions, get results and to the degree that the vendor allows it, customer the platform involved. Difficulty with Paas is that it locks developer into a solution that is dependent upon the platform vendor. 

Software as Service it is software as service, is deployed on a hosted service and can be accessed globally over the internet .

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Cloud Computing Vocabullary

According to Sosinsky famous author of the cloud computing books "Cloud computing is an abstraction based on notions of pooling physical resources and presenting them as virtual resources."
In cloud computing definition several basic terms are used. These are listed below 
         Advertising-based pricing model,Amazon EC2,Amazon S3,CDN ,Cloud,Cloud broker,Cloud operating system,Cloud Oriented Architecture,Cloud portability,Cloud provider,Cloud storage,Cloudsourcing,Cloudstorming,Cloudware,Cluster,Consumption-based pricing model Customer self-service,Disruptive technology,Elastic computing, External cloud,Google App Engine,Google App,HaaS,Hosted application,Hybrid cloud,IaaS,IBM Smart Business,
         Internal cloud,Mashup,Microsoft Azure,Middleware,On-demand service,PaaS,Pay as you go ,Private cloud,Public cloud,SaaS,Service migration,Service provider,SLA,Subscription-based pricing model,Utility computing,Vendor lock-in,Vertical cloud,Virtual private data center,VPC,
           Windows Live Services, Microsoft’s cloud-based consumer applications , Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Photo Gallery, Windows Live Calendar, Windows Live Events, Windows Live Skydrive, Windows Live Spaces, Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live Writer, and Windows Live for Mobile.

Top 82 Cloud Computing Companies in the World

Do you want to know about the names of world famous companies, those are working on cloud computing. as it is well known that cloud computing is today's technology, in the field of cloud computing many job opportunities are coming for Information Technology and Computer Sc engineers. The companies listed below works on different domain of cloud i.e Iaas, PaaS, Saas , Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Architecture, Cloud database etc. 
  1. Telx ( Cloud and Technology Services )
  4. Cloudpassage
  6. Compuware APM ( Compuware)
  7. Nimbula
  8. CipherCloud
  9. NextAxiom
  10. Nimblestorage
  11. RICOH
  13. Emc2
  15.  at&t
  16. PerspecSys
  18. CiTRIX
  20. iland   ( Cloud Infrasture as a service)
  21. SUSE
  22. Effective
  23. HP Cloud Services
  24. CERTES
  25. ManagelQ
  26. Domeq
  27. TMC
  28. Happtique
  29. OMG ( we set the standard)
  30. Nimsoft
  31. Cervalis
  32. Cloud Ceiling
  33. Shi
  34. Arcitura
  35. Virtustream
  37. Dbshards
  38. Full 360
  39. Coalfire
  41. Aria
  42. Oesri
  44. EVOLVE
  45. IGNITE
  46. Cloudcruiser
  47. Transcend
  48. MomentumSI
  49. Scalematrix
  50. Jaspersoft
  51. Stackato
  52. Xsigo
  53. Whiptail
  54. Appcore
  55. Oracle
  56. Citrix
  57. Redhat
  58. Vmware
  59. NesxtIo
  60. ScaleMP
  61. Scaleout Software
  62. SuperMICR
  63. PubNub
  65. NextAxiom
  66. Dell
  67. VirtuStream
  68. Coraid
  69. Wucalyptus
  70.  Virtualize
  71. Galaxy
  72. Coraid
  73. Trapezoid
  75. Ebay
  76. Openshift
  77. Appfog
  78. Cloudsoft
  79. Apprenda
  80. Soasta
  81. Cloudify
  82. Clous Foundry

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Skills and Roles opportunities in the filed of cloud computing

Now days cloud computing technology is taking dimension in IT companies, these companies are recruiting cloud computing expertise under following post

Types of Skills/Roles Companies already added in IT Departments       

  • Skills to build private clouds      
  • Cloud Security 
  • Cloud Manager 
  • Departmental liaisons               
  • Integration specialists              
  • Cloud architect                                    
  • Compliance Specialist        

    Saturday, 11 August 2012

    26 Daily Life examples of Cloud Computing

    In daily life there are many examples where we are using cloud computing. now cloud computing being used for every things, in the examples given in this post realize you  that cloud computing is became an important part in our life to survive . this technology is mainly used from space exploration, marketing campaigns to scientific research.

    Daily life examples of cloud computing technology :

    1. In photo and music sharing sites
    2. For  virtual office
    3. For Providing services such as Google apps
    4. In Various Social Networking 
    5. In Cyber-life trend
    6. In   Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera  for Storing images of the Moon transmitted by NASA's.
    7. By Web site and IBM WebSphere-powered portal
    8. In  Amazon's EC2 for on demand high performance computing 
    9. In Pathwork Diagnostics uses Univa UD's UniCloud
    10. In Best Buy's Giftag applet
    11. In Supply Chain Management Software
    12. In Marketing firm Digitaria i.e Amazon's EC2
    13. For Videos on Mobile Web
    14. For Resource pooling
    15. For electricity bill automation 
    16. In delivering complex 3-D graphics to mobile devices
    17. For Cloud-based app alerts drivers of electric cars
    18. In medical equipment company for its maintenance 
    19. In Kinect, for gamer to eschew controllers and just use gestures and movements that are interpreted by a 3-D camera and infrared detection system.
    20. For Maintaining inventory record
    21. In shopping sites
    22. In online transactions
    23. In telemetry software 
    24. In various Mobile dashboard applications
    25. In infrared camera
    26. In Speech recognition accuracy

    and many more...
    hmm, have you got surprised that in daily life, without knowing the fact of about cloud computing you, yes i am talking about you that you are using cloud computing. it is right that , This technology is  making our life more easier!!!

    "ABCs" of Cloud Computing

    Its well known that, Now days "Cloud Computing " is the latest technology. Its very obvious that before getting deep knowledge about the cloud computing, its basic vocabulary should be clear, right !!! so in this post, I am posting some ABCs or basic terms used in cloud computing, 

    1. Cloudburst (negative)
    2. Cloudburst (positive)
    3. Cloud storming
    4. Vertical Cloud
    5. Private Cloud
    6. Hybrid Cloud
    7. Internal Cloud
    8. Cloud ware
    9. Public Cloud
    10. Cloud Enabler
    11. Cloud-Oriented Architecture (COA)
    12. Cloud Service Architecture (CSA)
    13. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    14. Cloud Portability
    15. Cloud sourcing
    16. Cloud Spanning
    17. Cloud customer
    18. Cloud migration
    19. Cloud-Based Computing
    20. Software as a Service (SaaS)

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